

I'm gotta blogging now just after i get out from the exam room. It has no way to release my anger or chisin-ness except facebook fucking and blogging.

Oh Well,

Lets see what happened today!

I have full of confidence for the examsssss but not for this subject. I know maybe i'm over confident or what else, who cares? Web design, this is the stupid subject i exam today.

At first, i thought it just an exam thats need to simply create a basic and sucks website, and then i can get marks. Wow, how amazing it was? So, I just relaxing all the days. Even yesterday and today. I even went to timesquare for eating cheesecake and sushi king again just before the exam starts. AGAIN. yes... yesterday i ate sushi king also. But...... 


The 1st fucking things is.... 

Until now i cant forget the shit feeling! I thought the exam starts at 2:00 o'clock, and so, I thought it will be enough time to let me get back to school before 2pm. But then, who knows the feeling of this? Ur exam gonna start at 2pm, and 2:03pm, you're still waiting the stupid monorail? I know is my fault, But then how I know the monorail will so slow? even the lane on the opposite side had pass 3 turns. 

Okay, after that, I run to the school and check where's my exam room? And on that moment, I only found out the exam time starts at 2:30pm, so what for i running all the way to school? But fortunately, the exam time not starts at 1:30pm, if not, you wont see me anymore. I'm gonna suicide if this case really happened.

When i get into the exam "hall", ya, the first thing pop up in my mind is what the fuck and oh my god!

Because, the "hall" has no computer inside, meant that i'm gonna have a theory test instead of creating a stupid basic sucks simple website. I go in and out the door to confirm that i have to exam here instead of in the multimedia lab. After few times checking my name was not wrong at all on the attendance list, and finally i accept this fact!

Hope that i can pass this exam, LOL, even until now i still cant believe I've a theory test just now. Maybe that was just a bad dream. It doesn't happened to me! yea, wake me up please! 


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